Holdings represent the total investments a client currently holds in his portfolio. This includes his DP holdings and unsettled holdings.
On the Web
To view your holdings, click on ‘Holdings’ in the menu bar.
The holdings section provides the following details:
- Invested Amount: Displays the amount invested.
- Current Value: Shows the current aggregated value of holdings.
- Day’s P&L: Indicates the profit or loss for that particular day.
- P&L: Reflects overall profit and loss.
- Additional features such as search, download, and refresh are also available.
Users can select all holdings by clicking the checkbox next to the symbol. Once selected, an ‘Exit All Holdings’ button will appear, enabling them to exit all holdings with a single click. They have an option to select Exit At Market / Exit At LTP and certain percentage to exit.
The Holdings table also displays the saleable quantity. Clients without active DDPI needs to authorize E-DIS for enabling sales.
Hover over the symbol name and click on the three dots to access the following options:
- Add- Click Add to add a new leg to the holdings.
- Exit- Click Exit to close the current holding.
- Market Depth- Redirects to the market depth screen.
- Chart- Redirects to the charts screen.
- Details- Click Details to view information like LTP, quantity, average price, invested value, current value, P&L, day’s P&L, saleable quantity, pledged quantity, non-PAO quantity, and T1 quantity. Users can also add or exit the leg from this section.
- Create Alert- Set up alerts directly from Holdings.
- Create GTT- Create a Good-Till-Triggered order from Holdings.
- Create SIP- Set up a SIP for the selected leg in Holdings.
- Add to Marketwatch- Add the leg to the marketwatch for easy tracking.
On the Mobile
Click on Portfolio in the menu bar and navigate to Holdings.
Toggle between P&L and Day P&L to view the specified profit and loss of the Holdings.
Here are some sorting options available:
- Alphabetically
- Profit & Loss
- Profit & Loss %
- Day Profit & Loss
- Day Profit & Loss %
- Invested Value
- Current Value
E-DIS appears as a floating button in the bottom right corner. Click on it to authorize the E-DIS for selling your holding. This is applicable only for the clients without active DDPI.